PRENUPTIAL and POSTNUPTIAL AGREEMENTS Virtual and 999 N. Northlake Way, Sea
PRENUPTIAL and POSTNUPTIAL AGREEMENTS Virtual and 999 N. Northlake Way, Sea is a holistic family law firm providing prenuptial agreements, divorce and mediation. We meet clients in locations in downtown Seattle, North Lake Union and the Federal Way and Des Moines area. Much of our client work can be done by phone and email. In 2021, we celebrated our 23rd year anniversary providing family law services in Washington State.
Do you need a prenuptial agreement in Seattle or King County to protect your nest egg before marriage?
Are you searching for a mediator to assist you and your partner reach final agreements in your divorce with the least amount of hostility?
If so, you've come to the right place. and Attorney Stefani Quane offer:
Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
Divorce with a focus on amicable and collaborative divorce processes
All aspects of family law including Wills and Trusts
Flat-fee packages available with easy pricing
Child Support and Parenting Plan Modifications
High Net Wealth Divorce
Pro-se representation (you handle most of the case yourself)
Mediation for couples and families, with or without attorneys involved.
We use non-court processes so that your legal bill is lower and you get to results quickly. We know each family law case is unique and we pride ourselves on the personal attention we offer each of our clients. We strive to make the legal process streamlined and effective. Often, your texts, emails and phone calls will be answered on evenings and weekends for easy access. You law team will be staffed up or down pursuant to your specific needs.
Currently, we are serving client matter No. 1,030.
Are you LAWLADY Client No. 1,031? We hope so.
Call 206.222.2022 for more information.
LawLady's physical office is in the iconic Doc Freeman Building on North Lake Union in Seattle. It is conveniently located steps away from Adobe, Google and Tableau and has free parking. Much of our work together is done online over email, text and phone. We also travel to meet clients where it is most convenient for the clients.
Phone: 206 222-2022
Mailing Address
414 NE Ravenna Boulevard
Seattle, WA 98115
Physical Address
999 North Northlake Way, Washington 98103, United States